

Ozonation is nothing more than a process that is based on the method of purifying water from microbes. Both the house, apartment and other rooms can be ozonated , because it is the best method of cleaning. This method has been gaining more and more popularity over the years, because it is not only very effective, but above all completely safe for human health.

In what situations is it worth carrying out ozonation?

Well, when it comes to the ozonation process, it is worth carrying out it primarily in situations where a given room has been unused for a long time, because then there is a high probability that there are many pollutants in such a room that can destructively affect our health. It is also worth remembering that ozonation is recommended with simultaneous drying. Ozonation can also be carried out in caseswhen a fungus that is dangerous to human health has appeared in the apartment, or when in a given room you can smell an unpleasant smell. Unpleasant smell in the apartment can be the cause of many reasons, e.g. damp ceilings or floors. The ozonation process not only adequately copes with the unpleasant smell of moisture, but also with the smell of cigarette smoke or the smell resulting from littering garbage.

Ozone treatment and the guarantee of killing viruses

When it comes to the issue of using ozone to kill viruses, it can definitely be said that ozone treatment kills viruses. This is because, as shown by various studies – ozone definitely surpasses even UV radiation or HEPA filters. Important information is also that despite its strong action, it does not leave behind any harmful and toxic products of the so-called half-decay, and it does not accumulate in any way on the tissues of living organisms. It is completely neutral in this respect. Ozonationit is therefore suitable in rooms with allergy sufferers. In addition, ozone does not contaminate the soil or water. This process also completely eliminates viruses and other harmful organisms that are not visible to the human eye. In addition to viruses, bacteria as well as other microorganisms are eliminated. Another important point to be addressed is that ozone ensures decontamination. Decontamination is nothing more than cleaning all surfaces and removing substances harmful to human health. It is also worth noting that the ozonation process also reduces the risk of coronavirus infection, which is extremely important nowadays.

How is the ozonation process going?

The method of ozonation depends on a given, individual order. It also depends on the intensity, as well as the type of problem occurring in a given room, i.e. whether it is about fungus in the room or, for example, about the presence of an unpleasant smell in such a room. In general, ozonation is the production of ozone by the use of silent corona discharge lamps, thanks to which the air movement around the lamp causes the corona discharge to be forced by the fan, as a result of which ozone is distributed throughout the room and the air is purified. It should also be noted that ozonation is a fully ecological process that has no negative impact on the environment.

The unique and specific power of ozone means that it is used on various levels.However, the ozonation process should be performed only by people with appropriate knowledge in order to properly adjust the appropriate ozone concentration in a given room. Ozone cleaning is more and more often performed not only in living rooms, but also in cars. As for the concentration of ozone, its amount depends on the time needed to thoroughly clean the room or the surface.As for the concentration of ozone, its amount depends on the time needed to thoroughly clean the room or the surface.As for the concentration of ozone, its amount depends on the time needed to thoroughly clean the room or the surface.

Machines necessary for ozonation

As for any type of such operation, appropriate equipment is needed for the ozonation process. Such equipment includes, in particular, the ozonator. The ozonator is nothing more than a specialized machine that allows you to generate ozone. How much a given ozonator is able to produce ozone in one hour is presented in the form of grams or milligrams. The amount of ozone in grams is given in these newer devices, while the amount of ozone in milligrams is presented by outdated and less effective ozonators.

The main feature of the ozonator is that it oxidizes literally everything. Its power is so great that this machine can oxidize even DNA, RNA, proteins and pathogen enzymes. At the same time, it absolutely does not harm health and does not adversely affect the surface in a given room.